I've never really been a falsies kinda girl. Take yourself to Boots and you'll be greated with a sea of un-natural looking spider legs which to be frank, bloody terrify me. However when I was recently contacted asking if I would like to try the latest, natural range from Kiss, I was a little intrigued. A pair of falsies that claim to blend right into your own, boosting their overall appearance. Sounds pretty great right? With five designs to choose from (shy, vamp, pretty, flirty and sultry) there's a set in mind for all beauty lovers. After looking at a handful of reviews, I ended up settling with the latter, sultry.
When they arrived, I was initially surprised at just how thin they looked. Whenever I'd previously 'experimented' with sets, the actual strip holding everything together was very thick and course. This factor is obviously a positive, meaning they blend in a lot easier to your lash line. Will a lil tube of glue included in the pack, I was ready to get stickin'. Now this is the exact moment where I kinda failed. Being slightly inexperienced in the whole world of pro lashes, the application process wasn't exactly a smooth one for me. The thin strip actually proved to make the whole thing ten times trickier, due to the strip moving whilst I was attempting to glue them down.
10 minutes later and they were on. Sure, they looked ok, but you could totally tell I was bearing a set of falsies. I could, at least. They didn't want to stick, and looked just a tad too long and wispy for me. Overall, I think the range is a great concept, but for those like myself who aren't exactly bad ass in application, then it may be best to give them a miss. I may go on to give them a second chance, perhaps using one of those awesome lash tools, but if I'm truly honest, I think it may just not be meant to be between us both.
Have you tried the Kiss Looks So Natural* Range?
I really like the sound of these, natural looking falsies are so much better! Although I find them quite tricky to put on as well so I might just stick to mascara haha xx